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by Guest on 2017/09/01 12:44:05 PM    
How do I disable uTP in Tixati?
by Napsterbater on 2017/09/02 06:25:22 AM    
Settings -> Network -> Connections

Set Incoming and Outgoing Peer Connection Protocol to TCP Only.

Though for maximum seed/peer availability I would at least set them to TCP > UDP.
by meson1 on 2017/09/25 11:07:00 AM    
Huge thanks for this answer.  This solved my problem and now I am now able to download at top speed over VPN.

However, I take it that this means that uTP is baked into Tixati's UDP option.  So it's either TCP, UDP with uTP or nothing.

What about the possibility of providing an option to be able to disable uTP separately, so that we can run UDP without uTP?  Even if the flag was embedded into the advanced options, it would be better than nothing.

I hope that this will be given due consideration.

All the best.
by Napsterbater on 2017/09/26 07:45:58 PM    
You can't have UDP without uTP for torrent transfers, they are one in the same.
by Guest on 2017/10/01 01:52:03 AM    
DHT and udp trackers both use UDP packets.
So in that sense, there is UDP in BitTorrent (and Tixati in particular) without uTP.
by Napsterbater on 2017/10/01 11:56:33 PM    
"DHT and udp trackers both use UDP packets."
Yes, but those can not be affected or disabled or changed. Those are always on. No matter what is set in Settings -> Network -> Connections

"So in that sense, there is UDP in BitTorrent (and Tixati in particular) without uTP."
Surem, but in this context UDP transfers are being talked about, and UDP Transfers are uTP, and uTP is the ONLY way to transfer via UDP for torrents.
by Guest on 2017/10/04 01:06:10 PM    
While there may not be any UDP-based peer-to-peer (or seed to peer) traffic containing torrent contents without uTP...

DHT can be disabled under the DHT section of Tixati Settings.

udp trackers can be disabled under Transfers, trackers section of Tixati Settings.

MANY VPNs and most proxies handle UDP traffic poorly or not at all, so it is important to point these other UDP sources out.
by Napsterbater on 2017/10/04 08:34:02 PM    
DHT can be disabled under the DHT section of Tixati Settings.

udp trackers can be disabled under Transfers, trackers section of Tixati Settings.
Good point on those settings, I did forget about them.

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