Pete on 2014/02/24 07:10:34 PM
Check bandwidth tab of that torrent. Most likely it's protocol traffic, for example other peer's requests and acknowledgments. You can set "Transfer B/s Display" to "File Only" in Settings > Output Formatting, if you don't like to see protocol traffic in this column.
Pete on 2014/02/26 08:04:56 PM
In order to exchange data, bittorrent clients need to establish a connection between them. Clients use different messages to communicate with each other and keep connection alive. For example they use messages to: show which pieces of data are available, request block of data, inform that a piece is finished, pass IP addresses of peers, and so on. Even transferred data are also part of a message, which consists of a header, that identifies a block, and actual file data. Additionally a client needs to communicate with trackers or DHT to obtain IP addresses of peers.
This is why you see incoming bytes at transfers view, even for 100% complete, seeding torrents. Tixati has separate counters for protocol and file data, see Details tab of a torrent. Tixati shows protocol and file data in different colors, on the Bandwidth tab of each torrent. You can omit protocol counters in a few places by setting Output Formatting options to show File Only.