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How to specify username and password for web ui?

by Guest on 2014/02/23 03:22:24 PM    
in the normal settings for the web interface there is a field that says
“Users (username/password on each line)”
and it seems i can not figure out how to input usernames and passwords there,
so that i can actually log in to the web interface (connecting works fine, but login is rejected.
i tried to separate usernames and passwords with / on each line (e.g. “name/password“)
i also tried to write a user on one line and the password on the other.
(i also tried some other random combinations, none seem to work)

so, how is one supposed to enter this information and is there any way
to figure out what tixati thinks the usernames and passwords are?
by Pete on 2014/02/24 06:58:40 PM    
username/password works for me, one user in a line, like:
by Guest on 2014/02/25 08:36:58 PM    
ok, thanks for confirming.
it seems that the login does not work with opera12 on win8.1 x64, at least not for me.
i thought i did try with another browser but it seems that was when something invalid was entered into the box.

so, thanks i got it to work now :)
by Guest on 2014/04/11 07:32:59 AM    
Late reply, but you have to hit enter after the entering "user/pass"... it looks like it needs a carriage return.
by Guest on 2014/05/08 08:12:40 AM    
Thanx for the Help :)
by Guest on 2025/01/06 03:09:17 AM    
That makes since but how is it on each line?

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