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[bug] tixati 2.55 hangs

by Guest on 2017/08/19 10:28:16 PM    
My System tixati 2.55 win 10x64 v1703
i5-7600 - 16GB ram (tested 15 times) SSD 250 Samsung (OS)

It happened three times today...
Some times when I move my mouse over a torrent, a tool-tip appears,
then tixati hangs: CPU 35% full and no HDD or network activity happens after that...
The weird part is that the tool-tip stays on top of every window, frozen...
I waited 3 hours and nothing happened, had to force it to close...

One thing I'm sure, it's about that tool-tip...
It seems like that's the trigger

Thanks anyway
by Guest on 2017/08/20 04:58:40 AM    
the tool-tip that displays the name of the torrent and where it is located, correct?

when this happens, is it only tixati that hangs, or your whole computer? can you work with other programs while this is happening? how long is tixati un-responsive?

what exactly is using the extra CPU? are you sure it's tixati and not windows?

I waited 3 hours and nothing happened, had to force it to close...
you waited 3 hrs for the tool-tip to go away or for tixati to continue?
by Guest on 2017/08/20 10:51:33 AM    
the tool-tip that displays the name of the torrent and where it is located, correct? Exactly.
It's just tixati, other programs work fine...
It's just the tixati process that eats the CPU...
I waited ~3 hrs to see if tixati returns to normal...
The tool-tip and tixati itself were frozen, not responding to anything...
The only weird thing was the visibility of the tool-tip over every other window,
then I forced tixati to close and restarted tixati...
by Guest on 2017/08/21 10:01:34 PM    
I checked lots of different things...
and after updating video card driver from Intel,
it seems like the problem is solved.
I haven't had an issue since then...

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