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Why does 2.53 take ~20 sec. to load?

by Guest on 2017/08/06 12:45:34 PM    
Hi folks,
1st time poster here, so apologies if this has been addressed before but I didn't see it, so here goes...

Love the program, and IMHO, the best torrent client out there, but the latest version (2.53 64bit windows build) for some reason is taking a long time to load initially (~20 sec.), and when adding a torrent via a magnet link sometimes the program will "freeze" for 3-8 seconds before responding normally again.  In all past versions, it loaded nearly instantly, and I never experienced the "program not responding" issue when loading a torrent via a magnet link.  Anybody else see this behavior before?

To put things in perspective, my machine is no slacker.  Thinkpad W520, 4 core i7 2860-QM @ 2.5ghz, 32gb RAM, 1TB SSD.  Most programs fly on it, but Tixati has become a problem child, and this behavior is consistent and repeatable.  No problems with any other apps on this machine.

Another separate issue that just popped up is an error MSG that I've never seen before: "File too large".  What???  I wasn't aware of a file size limit of any kind.
File is 6.6 GB, and at 3.8 GB (57%) I get "file too large" under "Status" and the download turns orange and stops.  There is plenty of room on the HD and it's formated NTFS so no file size issues there.

I'd post a screenshot, but it doesn't appear that is allowed here, or I didn't see a way to do that.  
I'm thinking of reverting back to an older version without the issues until this can get worked out.  Any ideas?


and BTW Great work Devs!
by Guest on 2017/08/06 04:07:52 PM    
20 sec is not that long of a time. if you run 2.51, how long does it take to start? in 2.51 do you have any of these 3 problems? have you changed anything on your system? did the long loading and freezing start the first time you ran 2.53? what OS?

how many total torrents are loaded?
how many running (seeding and downloading) torrents?
how many channels are loaded?
in those channels, are there a lot of shared files?
how many RSS feeds?
in those feeds, are there a lot of items in your 'published items' tab?
any IP filtering, and/or scheduled tasks?

when you add a single magnet link it freezes? if you add multiple magnet links does it freeze longer? how are you adding the magnet link?

for your 'file too large' issue:

i don't think there is any limit to file size. it sounds more like the program is seeing a similar/same file or similar/same file name and getting confused.

in the files tab, is it the main file or a small txt file that is failing (is orange)?
do you have 2 of the same file going into the same folder?

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by Guest on 2017/08/06 08:34:26 PM    
Hi again and thanks for the suggestions to check on.
I did revert back to 2.51 and loaded the same torrent I had saved from 2.53 and all issues are now resolved.
It loads instantly again, and the torrent that I saved from 2.53 is already past the point where it failed before.
It seems like there may be some software on my system that interfered with the 2.53 but not the 2.51

Anyhow, problem is fixed, but I'll need to stay with 2.51 for now.

BTW, I only had 3 torrents loaded, and only two were active.
No, channels, sharing or any other functions being used at all, just those few torrents.
Also, while 20 seconds may not seem like a long time, once you get used to the speed of an SSD it's hard to go back.

Thank you again for the thoughtful suggestions.

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