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Connection reset 10053 and 10054

by Guest on 2017/07/17 12:26:21 AM    
I get these errors very often. Reconnecting works without a problem. But i would like to start without these connection drops.
by meric007 on 2017/07/18 11:37:16 AM    
10053 is a return/code value which states a software has caused a termination in the connection.
10054 is a return/code value which states that a remote host forcibly closed a connection.

10053 can usually occur when a program is blocking your connection. Either a firewall or a peer block either on the client side (your side) or the server side (seeders/peers side).

Solution: Set up a firewall rule to ignore Tixati on Windows. On Linux, use a Gui tool for the network and allow connections through your port. If you use a multitude of ports (if you have the option of randomizing your port on a regular interval on) consider allowing them through your firewall time to time. You can enable logging in Tixati to see what is causing your problem! If your connection is clear and you're still facing these problems consider using the DHT (not on private trackers) to commence your work.

10054 can usually happen when a peer closes their remote host either by blocking you out manually or using a peer blocking software. This can also be due to a network break (which is hardly seen in the p2p world) I would blame the former.

Solution: This problem can't be tackled unless you're on a private tracker and report the activity of the peers to the administration team so that you're let into the swamp. On public trackers, this turns into a problem as the management team on the sites would care less about the problem. If you face this issue on public trackers, you should consider using DHT or other trackers to discover more swamps rather than the one provided to you by default. Finding new peers would reduce the chance of you being blocked by them, therefore, allowing you access to the content. You can also try disabling your "encryption connection option" which can be a problem if you've chosen "encrypted connections only" as Tixati will only find for encrypted connections and will ignore unencrypted connections.

Sources used for this explanation:


Good luck and have a nice day!
by Guest on 2017/07/19 08:53:43 PM    
Thank you! I was thinking these causes must be to blame before, but the weird thing is that when i start the torrent, sometimes i get 5 of these connections to drops, and then a minute later they autoreconnect without any trouble and continue to download. The problem for me is that 1min delay. Or i can speed it up by manual clicking Connect. Well, too bad that nothing can be done about it.

Quick question, sorry to go offtopic. Can i increase the number connection attempts? Right now i seem to get only around 3 connections every few secs per torrent. Even though i have set maximum outgoing tcp/udp much higher, 30/80.

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