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Tixati Statistics File

by meric007 on 2017/07/14 07:07:06 AM    
Hello there Tixati Users, Developers, Tester and to the people behind the scenes,

I would like to know where the statistics file(s) are for Tixati.

Why am I asking this?

I want to manipulate it for some unspeakable reasons.

What do I plan on doing?

I wish to change it again for some unspeakable reasons. I'm sure you've figured it out by now.

How do I know it exists?

Well if you can see it you can change it.

Where have I tried?

The Tixati folder under the core.dat file, settings.dat file, uisettings.dat file.


If someone can help me out I would really appreciate it very much. I stand here a proud user of Tixati and would like to further use this program to my benefit.


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