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How to import data from utorrent

by Star Light on 2014/01/31 02:29:55 PM    
Is there anyway to import data from utorrent?
by Pete on 2014/02/01 02:02:15 PM    
There isn't, you'll have to load torrents one by one, point to files' location and hash check.
by Guest on 2015/11/27 11:30:11 PM    
That is actually not true. Simply set Tixati's download folder to the same folder where your previous downloads from uTorrent are, then go to %AppData%\uTorrent where all your torrent files are stored, and drag-and-drop all of them on Tixati. They will be added to your torrent list, Tixati will check them one by one, and will update their progress accordingly (setting the already completed ones to 100%).
by row on 2015/12/04 07:54:39 PM    
Yes, but torrent informations (download date / label) are lost.

See my feature request:
by Guest on 2016/09/25 11:49:09 PM    
If/When Tixati core.dat files are human-readable / editable this will change. So far unlikely.
It's also nonsensical to assume a client can parse anothers without some work. The workaround with default directory is a great starting point.
After that for all new transfers, you can use categories like "labels" and make things work the way you like. The pain part is hash check. Be sure to start that out on a fast seek/read drive :D

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