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Aggravated newbie!!!

by G_Dogg on 2017/07/01 01:03:44 AM    
OMG, I must be retarded! I can't, for the life of me, get Tixati to DL a darn thing. All it ever displays is "Searching DHT". And, before you even ask, yes, plenty of seeders. Doesn't matter what torrent site, what file, it just won't dl. And the "Gather Channels" doesn't work either. I was assuming it had an internal search feature. I Guess not! Also, nothing listed under "peers".
Is there no way to "test" whether it's even connected? I figured just a small 100mb torrent would test if it's connecting, but of course, a google search of any small torrent file comes up empty. I checked my f/w rules and Tixati is allowed. I'm sure it's just a setting.
I would be ecstatic if someone would help! Of course, this all happened after I had to reinstall my OS. It was working before. Thx again.
by BRMateus2 on 2017/07/02 03:35:48 AM    
CrapWindows firewall?

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