by Guest on 2017/06/26 11:33:50 PM
I often find myself playing with the "Priority Group" setting for *individual* users and I thought of a way to greatly improve up/down load speeds: Automatically Prioritized Bandwidth.
If I'm uploading the same file to two or more people at Normal priority, both users typically split my bandwidth, so if my upload speed is 50Kps, each user is downloading at 25K or less and the upload takes forever. But I can cut my upload time (and their download time) in half (or more) if I give *one* user most of my bandwidth ("Very High" priority) and the "left out" user(s) download from HIM at *their* full speed instead of me. If *everyone* did this, everyone could download the same file at the same time at nearly full speed. :)
Of course, the deprioratized person/people downloading may not see a benefit if the other user(s) doesn't/can't share more bandwidth, but the more people using Torrent software with "Automatically Prioritized Bandwidth Sharing", the faster everyone will download. If Tixati is smart, it can figure out how to prioritize the user capable of uploading the fastest and is closet to being done.
It's a great "selling point" to encourage more users to use Tixati. Just an idea. I'm already doing this by hand. It would be nice if Tixati had an option to do it automatically.