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How can I maximize upload speed?

by Guest on 2017/06/07 06:54:26 AM    
I am trying to send files from a project to a collegue of mine. It's the only active torrent I have and he's the only peer in that torrent.
What settings can I enable to make sure that Tixati uses all available bandwidth at all times? I don't care what it does to my connection, I need to send these files ASAP.

Settings can be for the whole program or that specific torrent or that specific peer. It's the same for me in this case.

Also, is there a way to "remember" and/or force a connection with that peer? It seems to go offline every once in a while and half the time I can manually add the peer and it will reconnect (the other half it just times out).

Thanks for any asistance guys

PS: Tixati is already optimized following the site's tutorial, but this is a more specific case.
by Guest on 2017/06/07 05:36:22 PM    
Torrent may not be the best protocol for sharing files between two people.
by Guest on 2017/06/10 09:11:55 AM    
I understand that, but it's 16 gb of data so the usual file sending sites are a problem.
by Guest on 2017/06/10 02:00:39 PM    
first make a torrent with all the files you want to send to your friend.

then right click that torrent and save the torrent file.

now get that torrent to your friend, (email maybe)

you may have to manually add him to the torrent if he has trouble connecting.

once you are connected to your friend, if this torrent is your only torrent, just go to bandwidth tab and either turn off your upload throttle, or turn on 'auto limit'. your friend should receive all your available bandwidth.
by BRMateus2 on 2017/06/10 07:27:39 PM    
Check force-unchoke in the peers tab; or all peers stay unchocked in torrent options tab, Peers->upload maximization. Might help.
by Guest on 2017/06/24 08:40:00 PM    
With a 16 GB dataset, make multiple torrents -- maybe about 1 or 2 GB size each.
Send them all at once, so if 1 torrent runs slow the others can pick up the slack.

Otherwise, just running 1 torrent is extremely unlikely to utilize more than a fraction of a fast connection because Tixati is terrible with single peers in LAN-type (or fast fiber) environments.

You might see considerably higher speed if you disable uTP and use regular old-style TCP peers/seeds.
by Mugsy323 on 2017/06/26 11:42:06 PM    

What I do is adjust the "Priority" for a single user by Right-clicking on them, clicking "Bandwidth | Priority Group" from the pop-up menu and giving them higher priority. If you give one user higher priority, they get more of your bandwidth. But don't worry, the other users can then download from that user, increasing THEIR download speed as well!

The more people who do this, the faster everyone can download (I'm hoping Tixati with automate this procedure in a future release.) :)

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