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Unexplainable speed oscilation

by Cityjohn on 2014/01/19 07:40:01 AM    
I have this weird problem where Tixati sometimes starts oscilation the bandwidth both up and down and never really allows a download to get up to speed.
I can tell it's not my modem with testing of other devices on the same net.

Has anyone encountered this issue before, am I mistaken in my belief that it is a tixati issue and might there be a simple fix?

Thank you,

by Guest on 2014/01/24 05:29:30 PM    
Looks like an interference "Schwebung" or "beat".

I had that, when I had 2 modems attached,
like e.g. the built-in Laptop modem and an external modem.
It took me a couple weeks to find out.
You have to make sure, only one modem is attached and switched on.
And then switch off the built-in Laptop modem.
by Guest on 2014/01/25 08:53:05 AM    
i have same thing because of hdd overload. can't find solution yet
by Guest on 2014/01/31 01:05:28 PM    
If the time between the drops is pretty much exakt. I mean if every 72 seconds or so the drop appears,
it is pretty much a hint of a "Schwebung". The german word is probably the best description, because
the english word "interference" can mean anything and random.

I have not found out yet, how the attachment of many USB ports might affect this too.
I have an external USB modem and an external HDD.
I think it works better, if not too many USB ports are connected, if your modem is also on a USB port.

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