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Is it possible to list "KiB" instead of "Ki" etc?

by Guest on 2014/01/18 09:55:34 PM    

I can't find any search feature so I don't know if this has been answered before, I imagine it has..

Is it possible to set Tixati to say for example "300 MiB of 14.0 GiB" instead of "300 Mi of 14.0 Gi" under the Bytes column? Same question for the B/s IN and B/s OUT column.

I don't know why but it kinda bugs me, been looking through the settings several times but can't find anything like that.

If it's not possible I'd like to request it as a future option/feature.

by Pete on 2014/01/20 04:12:17 PM    
Not possible in v1.96. I think it's on purpose, columns names contain units: Bytes, B/s, it would be a lot of redundant information to place units after each value.
by Guest on 2014/01/20 05:54:19 PM    
True, I just find it easier to read "KiB" than "Ki" etc, I mean it's easier/faster for me to register what 500 KiB actually means than 500 Ki .. I know it's the same thing but that B just makes it easier somehow.. Ehh maybe I'm just crazy.
by Guest on 2014/01/20 06:04:36 PM    
by Guest on 2014/01/20 08:42:30 PM    
I've already looked at those settings but I can't find anything to add the "B" to "Ki" so that it becomes "KiB".

Edit: I tried looking through the files in the %appdata% thingie but the files aren't in clear text so that was a dead end.

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