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New transfer Dialogue has no way to set a category for download

by Guest on 2017/05/29 10:36:20 PM    
It used to be that when i added a new torrent the add torrent dialogue window would have an option of which category to assign the torrent to. I no longer see this option, and I'm not sure if I've done something wrong in creating the categories, or if this was a change in a recent update. I can still set category's manually after the torrent has been created but there's no way to do it from inside the add torrent window anymore
by BRMateus2 on 2017/05/30 12:38:18 PM    
I can set categories in Tix 2.51, loading torrents, etc; I don't know what could be; pretty chance of your settings.
by Guest on 2017/06/01 09:34:15 PM    
I'm on 2.53 64-bit version, any clues as to what setting i might have goofed?
by Pete on 2017/06/03 08:32:40 AM    
Hello. It would be easier if you provide a screenshot.

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