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Tixati Set up question?.

by saltyseadog on 2014/01/14 01:36:23 PM    
I am a new member here and a long time user of qBittorrent but have been having problems with it remembering settings since the latest update v3.1.4 last December. While visiting the best free torrent recommendations page at Gizmo's site I saw that Tixati also got a 4.5* rating and decided to find out more about it. As I have a 64bit Win7 system I have downloaded the 64 bit version of Tixati but have not installed it yet as I have a few questions to ask first. As I am used to qBittorrent I intend to keep it in the meantime, while I get used to Tixati.  I use Comodo C.I.S for security and have a specific rule-set in the Comodo Firewall Rule-sets screen for allowing qBittorrent. My questions are firstly can I have, two torrent clients ie qBittorrent 32bit and Tixati 64bit running on my PC until I see which one I prefer and can I use the same rule-set parameters for Tixati as I have for qBittorrent?, also can they both run on the same port or should I designate a different port for Tixati and amend my ruleset in Comodo accordingly. Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
by Pete on 2014/01/15 05:32:47 PM    
In my opinion, running two bittorrent clients simultaneously on the same system (the same Internet connection), is not a good idea. Both Tixati and qBittorrent won't work optimal, for example: they'll stress your hard drive more, generate some unnecessary protocol traffic (2x DHT) and bandwidth limits for each won't be optimal. To run them both, you'll have to use different incoming ports. From my experience, Tixati is harder to learn than qBittorrent (I used qB before Tixati). Give yourself some time to familiarize with Tixati before you make decision which one stays (I still have got both installed :). I don't know CIS, maybe it's possible to just add another program for a rule-set. If not, I'd create another rule-set with the same parameters as for qBittorrent.
by george_lol on 2014/01/20 12:05:07 PM    
In the past, maybe 2 years ago or more I was able to run both uTorrent and Tixati together but it was not optimal for both and different ports are definately needed.  At the time I used custom rule sets with CIS for each program.  Currently I still use CIS but have no custom rules and only use Tixati.

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