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Column of Total availability missing

by Guest on 2014/01/11 08:16:15 AM    
On the TRANSFER screen are columns for Name,Bytes,Progress,Status,B/s in,B/s out,Priority and Time Left.
Whats missing is the colums of Total availability,
I have a DL with 1 seeder and 6 peers. Unfortunately now I found out, all peers are stuck at 87 %.
and the only seeder is online only once a week with a total speed of 1 KB/s.
If I would have seen that before, I would not start that DL at all.
Now I don't know, should I hang in there and wait till it finishes in about 6 to 8 weeks or stop it
and my time and effort and everything was useless and worthless.
If I calculate the average life expectancy of my computer and the total DL's. How much is one DL worth?
The calculation of Total availability is enough after every round of DHT searches,
about every half hour, so it doesn't take to much load on my CPU.
by Pete on 2014/01/11 06:56:39 PM    
Total availability is in torrent Details tab, above the availability bar (bottom one), on the right side.

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