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Is there a way to automatically unchoke downloads?

by mrforthright on 2017/05/01 08:48:37 PM    
Hello there,
Is there any script command to automatically ignore the peers starting with red INs?
Thank you in advance
by BRMateus2 on 2017/05/08 01:35:22 AM    
This is part of the Bittorrent protocol, breaking it will make a lightly higher bandwidth usage, and if needed, the client itself will send an logout message to open other connections, but this is NOT the case of need in Tixati, Tixati handles connections pretty good.

There are indeed some bugged clients, that will connect again, even knowing that the peer already completed the download, but blocking those connections will make an request again in an short amount of time, so the peer starts somewhat of an DDoS attack and those bugged messages will flood the whole route network because of bad devs.

So the tradeoff is to allow incoming, for better bandwidth usage, even if not needed.

About outgoing connections hitting an IN-CHOKED client, if that probability is too high, you can increase the outgoing simultaneous connections; that will not slowdown neither substantially increase the RAM usage, if your router can handle the TCP/UDP opens and the provider.
by BRMateus2 on 2017/05/31 05:38:48 PM    
There is an feature described here, for upload:

For the duplicates, there is the official protocol and message trading: BEP 3

As we have the chance to choice, the "computer" does too, so it is part of the BitTorrent, that good implementations will make good and healthy algorithms that will not suck balls out of the whole peer list.
Making such a change, is out of the protocol recomendations, and will of course, make one peer priority over all others.

This means, ganancious (for seed or peer?).

If you want to break the rules, do it manually, or else increase the number of simultaneous connections.
Or else, make your own BEP recomendation, make it Bittorrent official, with this scientific article that will deny a lone dev:
by BRMateus2 on 2017/05/31 11:07:35 PM    
Link got removed; google:
"Bittorrent choke and superseed algorithms - ce-michpi-061025"

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