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Request - Password protected category or channel and ...

by punsher2011 on 2017/04/27 01:36:05 PM    
As always thanks for building such a great program.

My request is basically this, To protect my category from being seen by foreign eyes and inspection.( item list should not also be shown in all torrent category)

This feature can be applied to channel, rss auto download and etc.

1- you might create a category for things that ARE considered taboo or not approved by some other that might check on your PC.

2- you might share your PC to someone else but you dont want them to see those, its true that lots of other thing can be done to protect that but even a simple information about a download sometimes can be crucial. ( my meta torrent file are protected and well placed also the download location but this program cannot be hidden or not used cause you know this is important to always be running )

and other reason that can easily be thought off.

thanks for reading.
by janet on 2021/06/24 09:57:07 PM    
A new password-lock feature has just been added to v2.84
It can be found in Settings > User Interface > Behavior
The user interface can be locked when hidden in tray and the main settings window can be password protected

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