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Add files

by Guest on 2013/12/30 02:51:17 AM    
I'm a newbie.  I have a number of files I am sharing on another computer that I have to reload.  I have installed Tixati on this machine but I don't know how to share the downloaded files here.  I search this section but didn't find an answer.

thanks in advance
by Pete on 2013/12/30 11:11:36 AM    
There is already a topic about this but I can't find it at the moment.
To load torrent for seeding do this:
1. add torrent file to Tixati,
2. on Load Transfer window select path to file or folder and press Stop,
3. right click the added torrent > Local Files > Force Check
4. wait until Tixati finish checking and start the torrent.
If Tixati shows 0% complete after that, you most likely pointed to wrong folder, for example one folder too deep, or files/folders were renamed.

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