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Integrated search engine in Tixati?
on 2013/12/29 03:47:25 PM
What do you think about that?
on 2013/12/30 06:47:36 PM
IMO, I think it's unnecessary. Maybe someone else share the same opinion with you.
on 2013/12/31 12:18:42 AM
streaming, chating, rss, search engine, (image bmp/png/jpg logo banner header), dual layouts display, color display manager, variety to choose with or without icons, menus etc.. Are these things that make Tixati bloated.
Are these things that make it consume much RAM and CPU.
Sorry no, Enough is enough and so has, others new feature will do more harm than working.
1) imagine do stream online and download/upload speed falls,then I say why not progressing?
2) searching engine, think it will be better than google, etc...?
3) chating, why do we need it, IRC?
sorry no more, thank you!
on 2013/12/31 02:34:28 AM
Totally unnecessary regarding the search engine.
About the memory hogging. What a load of tripe. If you have to worry about memory usage these days you need to upgrade. The World is not going to be going backwards for you. I have had Tixati running for *hours* and it has been very busy. It is using 221Mb at the moment dealing with 18 torrents. Tixati is NOT a memory hog.
on 2013/12/31 06:47:22 AM
in comparison with other clients Tixati use more silly and unnecessary RAM . My computer is not very old.
It is not good compared to several hours or 18 torrent file, how about 7 days 24/7 running or even more a week, how about 800 torrent seeding, do you know sometimes what happened with CPU and RAM? and why does not happen in other client this is the question, for me, excessive and unnecessary consumption or RAM makes me skeptical. I have the feeling any of those things I mentioned above may affect. I regret that this client is not very active regarding devs or admins in connection with each other and the answers regarding problems and bugs here on this forum. I am very regular user of tixati, but I have to look after other alternative and I doubt that i do seed when reporting is not accurate as far as I made the upload and notcorresponding accuracy on my ratio, but this is not another discussion not on this topic instead.
I think that the work of ram and cpu should be viewed by staff as reportedly hundreds of times but there is no improvement if they want to make users friendly.
on 2014/01/01 01:50:52 PM
But it can be an optional to download python 3.x like qbittorrent
on 2014/01/04 11:16:44 AM
What "silly and unneccesary" RAM are you talking about. You do realize that just because an application has a feature, that doesn't instantly mean that as a user you take a performance hit purely due to the basis of its existence, right? There are quite a few features in Tixati that I'm not interested in, but I just don't use them and they don't cost me anything, and a lot of them disappear completely when you don't want to use them (channels, RSS, IP Filter).
If you think that the color customization settings or an option to show/hide icons are crippling the performance of this application then you have a strange understanding of how software works.
on 2014/01/04 08:29:59 PM
@ VigilanteP
I thought that too. I felt I would leave it for somebody more polite than I could be to make the point.
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