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tixati downloading more data than needed

by sgrit on 2017/04/17 02:44:45 PM    

i'd like to know why with tixati i'm more than often downloading way more data than needed.

2 examples, yesterday i download 2 torrents:
1st one 167M, downloaded 174M (this one had load of seeds when i join)
2nd one 451M, downloaded 489M (this one had one seeder from whom i never received a single piece and 10 other leechers)
by Guest on 2017/04/18 02:51:22 AM    
that is probably just protocol traffic.
by sgrit on 2017/04/18 02:28:15 PM    
30M of protocol?? lol

nope not at all

protocol as seen by what is written in property/detail tab for each torrent

1.: 902K
2.: 2.31M

so that still a load of data downloaded for unknown reasons
by Guest on 2017/04/18 10:38:21 PM    
did you notice any peers ignored for bad data? maybe it downloaded some pieces more than once to fix them.

are you downloading the whole torrent or only some of it? if you have partial pieces it will be downloading some pieces you don't want due to pieces overlapping files.
by sgrit on 2017/04/19 01:18:14 AM    
from what i saw, no peers banned for sending bad data and both torrents were fulling downloaded

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