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2 machines, same ISP connection?

by paul359 on 2013/12/26 05:02:15 PM    
2 machines, same ISP connection?

First, thanks for a great program and all the forum support!

I have one satellite ISP, one router, and two computers.

Using the Azureus calculator my max upload speed is 162 kilobytes/sec. Speedtest reports 203.

I have set up each machine with Tixati with unique static addresses and different ports. PF
reports it can ping the router and the ports are open on each machine.

I am running a different torrent on each machine trying for greater speed.

The resulting speeds are not good. I don't know if the reason is that the torrents have poor trackers / peers or if my plan is flawed.

Is there hope for this idea (what settings should I use?) Or will I simply get half speed on each machine?

I'd surely appreciate any input as I am new to torrents.  Thank you in advance!
by MrCuntworth on 2013/12/27 07:55:20 PM    
Same ISP connection, same total speed (no matter how many machines you connect behind it, they'll all divide the speed, not multiply it).
by Pete on 2013/12/27 08:54:53 PM    
You should be able to utilize whole bandwidth from one computer, running Tixati on both machines is not a good idea, they will disturb each other.

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