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Problem with Peer-Peer software. Freezes windows 7 64b ultimate

by Guest on 2013/12/24 02:33:28 AM    
Hia - I've tried several torrent softwares, so this is not specifically Tixati related, but relates to all peer-peer software i've tried.

While downloading/uploading with torrent prog(or without, but with torrent program installed on system):
The screen locks up, and if sound is playing the sound "crackles". The screen does not go black, computer stays on, no bluescreen error, no errors at all - everything just freezes in place and I'm unable to ctrl-alt-del/esc. Have to hard boot. No dump file written(I think).

Something i find very puzzling is that just having a torrent program, like tixati or utorrent, installed on computer causes the same freeze to occur while streaming or downloading / uploading files with browsers.

If I don't have a torrent program installed, i can download/upl with browsers, and streaming without problems.

I'm confused about how to go about solving this issue, as I don't know what torrent programs have in common, and why it should affect downloads/uploads with other software.

Stuff I've tried:
Switching torrent clients - first had utorrent, then tried tixati, and might have tried another that i don't remember name of now. Same problem for all.

device manager: Atheros - Network - Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller ( microsofts 2009 driver): I've tried turning task offload on/off - no effect.

Have no virus program software installed - only spybot free. And run CC-cleaner from time to time.
OnlineHousecall find no virus/trojan.

Tried switching Java versions - as this problem started at the same time period as i tried installing java 64 bit (and i actually had the two versions installed at the same time at some point. So might this have done something? (i dont know..)

I've ran memory tests and diskcheck programs, they don't find any issues.

I've ran Driver Verifier - everthing seemed fine, computer loaded after reboot.

I've ran several other programs suggested by other forums, but have not been able to identify a problem. And run into the "can't help with torrent issues" obstacle.

++ tried several other things. Open for suggestions!

Right now I have no torrent program installed - and the system runs perfectly normal, can download/upload and stream. but once Torrent program gets installed, this freezing issue comes back.

The thought I have is that my network card is dieing, but why then does the PC work OK without torrent program installed? Is there a program I can use to "stress test" the network card?

Hoping someone here can help me, as other tech support forums don't like to work with solving torrent issues, and i'm not able to solve this alone, because i don't know what is wrong.

Intel Core 2 duo Pc - E6850 @ 3.00Ghz
4gb ram
64-bit os - win 7 ultimate service pack 1.
MB: Asus P5k.

Please ask for any other information required.
by Pete on 2013/12/24 10:38:46 AM    
Have you tried Tixati portable?
by Guest on 2013/12/25 01:03:48 AM    
No, havn't tried portable version - isnt it just for removable media?

by Guest on 2013/12/25 01:31:00 AM    
A bit of a long shot because what you describe could be caused by many different things, but something that torrent clients have in common is that they need to trash your hard drive around a bit while allocating and writing all the pieces for the files you download. Especially relevant if you have a significant number of torrents going and/or a slow or fragmented hard drive and/or insufficient RAM. Could be a hard drive problem that would cause it to fail when heavily stressed (the drive itself, or the BUS, or even the cable).

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