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Changing the text color of a distinct group of torrents

by Caught AGAIN! on 2013/12/23 10:10:07 PM    
I have torrents uploaded to one torrent place that are NOT uploaded to a different torrent place. Is there a way to change the display color of just those torrents on the Transfer page WITHOUT changing the display color of the rest of my torrents?
by Guest on 2013/12/24 11:58:13 PM    
I'm not aware of a way to do it, currently.

I believe this pretty much falls into what is already a requested feature for future versions of Tixati, namely the ability to list torrents by tracker (which I'm assuming is what you refer by "place").

What I do in the meanwhile is add a tracker name suffix to the torrent names in the transfers list (it can also be done at the time of adding a new torrent to Tixati), making it easy to spot them as pertaining to this or that tracker, and allowing their grouping in the list (by alphabetical order) if needed. Something like:

"(TRACKER A) torrentname1"
"(TRACKER A) torrentname2"
"(TRACKER B) torrentname3"

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