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reporting a bug in tixati,ANSWER ME

by Guest on 2013/12/21 08:02:50 PM    
my peer tab shows i am connected to about 15 seeders but only 4 of them shows i am recieving data, WHY? , if i could download and recieve also at the same time from the rest of them i could get the fast speed like IDM gives me, so would it be possible?
by Pete on 2013/12/22 03:18:47 PM    
This is normal. Most Bittorrent clients have limited upload slots, this number is usually much lower than peers connections limit. Each seed connects to many peers but uploads only to some of them at one time. You can do nothing about it.
by Guest on 2013/12/25 12:20:30 AM    
Same exact question, same exact answer:

by Guest on 2013/12/25 09:22:35 AM    
So pete, based on what you said I think we can conclude that the best download speed of all bittorrent clients will not be as fast as download speed of IDM ( internet download manager) recieving pieces from 8-16 connections to http server at the same moment, AND we cant do nothing about it
by Guest on 2013/12/26 05:45:21 PM    
Oh yes, jeffw224 in  http://forum.tixati.com/support/397/   gave a very nice answer to another user and like I said I think IDM because of the way it works on http is GENERALLY faster than tixati on bittorrent protocol, so thank you anyway.

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