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tixati - well done -  suggestion

by foundanickel on 2017/04/04 03:41:55 AM    
I love this program. If someone comes to this program from a standard Torrent program it is a little difficult at first, until you figure out your superior organization and control.
I'd like to make some suggestions.

I like that I can rename and move files around.

Suggestion: If you could assign a folder to a category it would eliminate a few steps that I spend a lot of time doing. If a category has a folder assigned choosing the category automatically moves files to that folder. If no folder is assigned to the category changing the category keeps the files in the finished downloads folder i.e. as it is now.

Since upgrading, I have noticed that Tixati chooses to pick files to download within the torrent. It seems based on size? and occasionally I have to pick through the files and add the necessary files to the download. I have noticed that it also leaves the larger (pre-selected) files outside the torrent folder.

Is there a way to turn this 'feature' off and leave the file structure and content as it came?

Anyway great work.
by Pete on 2017/04/04 08:50:47 PM    
Suggestion: If you could assign a folder to a category it would eliminate a few steps that I spend a lot of time doing. If a category has a folder assigned choosing the category automatically moves files to that folder. If no folder is assigned to the category changing the category keeps the files in the finished downloads folder i.e. as it is now.
Categories already work that way. You can select default downloading location and seeding location for each category. Enable Categories (Layout > Categories), right click a created category > Properties > Local Files.

Since upgrading, I have noticed that Tixati chooses to pick files to download within the torrent. It seems based on size? and occasionally I have to pick through the files and add the necessary files to the download.
Settings > Transfers > Files > Always auto-select files in new transfers - turn that option off.

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