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Has tixati better download speed or utorrent?

by Guest on 2013/12/21 05:11:00 AM    
I want to ask users of tixati and utorrent and developers of tixati to tell me which one has faster download speed?
Thanks in advance.
by Pete on 2013/12/22 04:27:17 PM    
It's hard to tell, results may be different even when downloading a torrent twice with the same client. I believe, download speed depends on client, but it depends on many other things too. Usually conditions are different and so is the speed.
by Guest on 2013/12/24 11:29:50 PM    
In terms of download/upload speed, all clients should perform more or less the same IF configured with the same settings, and with all external factors being the same and in identical circumstances - think hardware, software, configuration, time, conditions, ISP, seeds and peers, trackers, and the list goes on.

Of course, this is not exactly always the case in the real world, making it hard to produce a valid, direct comparison and creating no small ammount of illusion about whether this or that client has "better speed".

To my best theoretical knowledge and practical experience, the real differences all come from the external factors, not the client per se if identically configured. We might be in similar territory here to asking "has this 10/100 network card better download speed, or that other 10/100 network card ?" (if you know what I mean).
by Guest on 2013/12/24 11:30:56 PM    
Oh well, I after testing both on a controlled experiment can tell you for sure that tixati is the fastest and the best torrent downloader.
So lets thank the developers of tixati in any way we can
by Guest on 2013/12/26 05:16:03 PM    
Thank you all for answering,
If you go to utorrent forum and their website you will see that they lack a generally good settings for most of people , but here tixati has that generally good settings that work for everyone including me, so I can conclude that tixati is the best torrent downloader and the fastest one GENERALLY and needless to say that their forum managers are very rude.

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