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Not connecting to all seeds/peers?

by digirat on 2013/12/19 02:29:50 AM    
How come Tixati doesn't connect to all the available seeds and peers? I've got one download going that has 52 available seeds, but Tixati is only connecting to 16 of them. The same download has 280 peers available, but Tixati is only connecting to 19 of them. I can only think that this is severely limiting the speed at which this particular download is coming to me. How can I make Tixati connect to all seeds and peers that are available for a specific download?

Hopefully I will receive an email message if and when an answer to this question is posted.
by Guest on 2013/12/20 02:34:44 PM    
You can specify how many peers and connections per torrent and globally Tixati uses in "Settings -> Network -> Connections" and "Settings -> Transfers - General".

Note that, while theoretically you can increase the values to your liking, if you set them too high you're bound to choke your connection and router limitations, and it may hamper your download and upload performance. Generally, it's better to have a reasonable number of good seeds than a lot of slow ones.

This is all covered in the program's documentation in some detail, by the way. You may want to take a look and experiment with the values a bit to see what fits your needs best:

by Pete on 2013/12/20 06:16:56 PM    
It is common that seeds/peers numbers on torrent sites are not correct. On one site I saw these numbers only increasing but never dropping down. Some dead torrents have a few hundreds of peers displayed there. Trackers send limited number of addresses, there may be 500 peers but tracker returns maximum 100 at a time. Often some of those peers are not available anymore but tracker still remembers them for hours.
by jeffw224 on 2013/12/21 12:00:20 AM    
The torrent shows 52 seeds and 280 peers.  This is not a great ratio.  Your best speeds will come with torrents that have a high seed to peer ratio (regardless of numbers) according to the creator of bittorrent, Bram Cohen:

Bittorrent clients have a limit on the number of upload slots for a user, depending on the upload capacity of that person's internet connection.  So, if those 52 seeds averaged 4 upload slots each, then many of them would be connected to other peers in the swarm and not be available to you.  As to the peers, they, and you, also have the same upload slot limitations and there is also the factor of whether they and you have pieces that each needs.

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