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Is this forum really dead???

by knowledge24 on 2013/12/16 03:05:35 AM    
Tixati is the best,deserves a lot more than this,but this forum is like dead.
Would anybody be kind enough to tell me why using torrent clients(tixati) when i want to download a torrent with good seeds i cant use all of my bandwidth while using IDM for http downloads i can??
Thanks in advance
by Bugmagnet on 2013/12/16 03:16:58 PM    
define "dead" - this forum usually has multiple posts daily - still breathing

bandwidth is affected by many things including those external to the client and/or ap.

an http server might have a huge UPload BW, usually supported by some source of funds that can afford to pay for this BW

The torrent protocol is based on each user providing their own upload and download capacity which is an internal limit. the external limits are established by the number of seeds/peers in a swarm and how much available upload BW each has free to serve your needs. Obviously this is affected by the popularity of the media and bw supply and demand. This is highly variable and may or may not exceed your own bw limits. Might be a trickle, might be a flood or tsunami.
by Guest on 2013/12/17 02:58:24 PM    
At this point, the majority of people using Tixati are likely the kind of people who make conscious (i.e., sentient) choices and who have a degree of understanding about what they're doing, as opposed to the bandwagon-jumping herd following the luminous signs. Thus, clients that have been around longer and are more mainstream will have bigger and more active communities - meaning, 95% of a whole lot of people asking questions that are either answered directly in the program's documentation or not related to the program but instead basic computer usage, and another whole bunch of them providing the same answers again and again (to make it clear, I am NOT necessarily including your post on these categories).

Bigger, more active community: tell your friends about Tixati so that more people use it. :)

Slow torrent downloading BUT fast http downloading:

- Few seeds (pick an alternative torrent with more seeds, if possible), or...
- Slow seeds (can't do much about it, patience is a virtue), or...
- Routing/port forwarding troubles (check your "connectable" status on your favourite tracker, and make sure your ports are open in your firewall and router), or...
- ISP international peering limitations (can't do much there), or...
- ISP interference with the bittorrent protocol a.k.a. capping (switch to a better ISP).

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