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peerblock and peerguardians

by kucengemok on 2013/12/14 09:49:11 AM    
can tixati works along this softwares?
by ProHandyman on 2013/12/14 07:11:47 PM    
Yes you can, but support for PeerGuardian has been discontinued and replaced by PeerBlock.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/12/15 03:30:41 PM    
perhaps, but don't get any false sense of security. what do you think peerguardian protects you from?
by jeffw224 on 2013/12/15 07:40:47 PM    
I do not believe in blocklists, but if you want to use one - Tixati has a built in IP filter feature that you can have automatically get the Level 1 blocklist (the most used blocklist) from I Blocklist.

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