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Bug? - Tixati doesn't check watching folder on startup

by testacc11 on 2017/03/24 07:02:18 PM    
If I download/add new files to my watching directory then start up Tixati, it wont add the new files in the watching directory until a torrent is manually added.

Windows 10
Tixati v2.53
by Guest on 2017/08/03 11:44:42 AM    
its not supposed to. it only watches the folder while tixati is running.
by Guest on 2017/08/08 07:54:58 PM    
A checkbox option to import everything in the watchdir on startup would be nice. I've been doing the copy to here trick for years now since its common for me to have a few dozen torrent files waiting in my watch dir for when tixati starts. Just copy all them to the same location, windows puts "- Copy" on the end of all of them, tixati imports, problem solved the annoying way
by testacc11 on 2017/11/01 07:46:03 PM    
its not supposed to. it only watches the folder while tixati is running.
But when I add a new torrent file, all the ones added previously to my watch folder(while the client wasn't running) get added. So clearly it can detect differences, but doesn't automatically do so on startup.

So the scenario is:
Download abc.torrent file into /watching
Start Tixati
abc.torrent does not get added
Download xyz.torrent into /watching
Now both abc.torrent and xyz.torrent get added

The functionality I would expect is that at the point where you start the client, all new .torrent files in the /watching directory get added on startup.

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