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v2.53 Port Unconfirmed Bug or My setup?

by Guest on 2017/03/19 11:22:16 AM    
I'm trying to figure out what is going on, any help would be appreciated.

The selected incoming port is always listed as "closed" when I run any the online port checker utils. I've tried a local installed port checker (Simple Port Tester) which lists the TCP port as "failed" but the UDP port as "success" (when Tixati is running). Tixati will sometimes come up with "DHT: Running" shortly after starting up but even when it does, it changes within a minute or two to "DHT: Started - unconfirmed incoming port". The "Home" tab currently lists Status as "Listening / OK" and there are a few "Received" and "Placed" listed (3 each currently). I'm not sure how or if all this is making any difference, I am able to download and seed although I don't believe I'm getting as many seed and peer connections as I should. This could just be bad luck with the current torrents I'm downloading though.

What I've tried:
Using UPnP to port forward ("Use UPNP /..." selected in Tixati and UPnP enabled in router).
Using ststic ip on computer and manually port forward in the router ("Use UPUN ..." deselected in Tixati and UPnP disabled in router).
Disabling both Windows firewall and antivirus software. (I have incoming rules for both TCP and UDP in win firewall for Tixati anyway).
Tried numerous other port numbers besides the default (I'm currently trying 50001).
Rebooting (software, computer and router).
Uninstalling/re-installing Tixati.

None of these make any difference, I still always get the same Port Closed result when checking and DHT port unconfirmed.

TIA for any help/advice, G

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