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Auto shutdown

by Guest on 2017/03/16 06:38:27 PM    
Is there a way to have Tixati shut down the computer when finished downloading. If not that would be addition.

by Guest on 2017/03/18 11:07:26 PM    
That's possible using the built-in scheduler.
Click ADD on the scheduler, a window will popup titled "add scheduler task".
In it, you have Actions and an ADD button right below it. Clicking it will open a menu.
Select Shutdown > Auto-Shutdown > Shut Down System When All Downloads Are Complete.
by Guest on 2024/01/03 08:36:24 PM    
Select Shutdown > Auto-Shutdown > Shut Down System When All Downloads Are Complete
All downloads completed but PC won't shutdown.
Tixati v3.19 on Windows 10 v1909
by notaLamer on 2024/01/07 03:17:25 PM    
You don't need to make a new Task in Scheduler. The system tray icon (right click) has all the same options for auto shutdown. I have never used it so no comment.

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