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[Request Feature] Remeber the last used saving directory

by Guest on 2017/03/09 06:59:54 PM    
Hello everyone, first of all I would like to thank everyone in the Tixati team for their dedication and remarkable job done on the project!
I have been using Tixati for few months now and I love it, there is however a one little thing which I would dig to see implemented and that I would like to humbly request if it's possible.

When you open a torrent file and the "Load Transfer" window pops up you get possiblity to pick the location where you would like to save your file in the sub-part of the window called the "Local Files Location". The way it currently is the "Select new location" window always starts at the top most directory in the hierarchy so if you have a lot of smaller files to download and you want to create a distinct folders for all of them you have to go throughout all of the paths over and over again. If you are like me and you like to keep all your files neatly organized and properly named that means lots and lots of clicking which at times can be really burdensome.
My suggestion is: please if it's possible add the option for the "Select new location" window to remeber and open with the last used location.

Once again, thanks for all the hard work its much appreciated,

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