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Private Trackers

by Guest on 2013/12/07 05:04:41 PM    
"Tixati - It has some "features", like the ability to modify the peer-id, user-agent http headers, and spoofing, that need to be removed before we'll consider allowing it here."

The above sentiment is shared by many private trackers.  Many people would prefer to use Tixati, but if they cannot use it on all the trackers the use then they will simply use something else.  I also know that you do not want to remove these features entirely because some users wish to make use of them.

So what I was wondering is if you could offer a second release that removes those, maybe call it Tixati: Private Tracker Release, or something along those lines.  That way there would be a version private trackers might be willing to accept while not compromising your own principles.
by VigilanteP on 2013/12/08 04:10:48 PM    
This topic was discussed before in this thread  http://forum.tixati.com/support/174/  and there is some good information there if you're curious.

I find it ridiculous that private trackers are banning Tixati because it has a feature that allows it to identify itself as a different client. If Tixati were allowed in the first place, it would be irrelevant that you could imitate other clients. That feature is useful to get around the arbitrary bans that some private trackers have put on Tixati, but banning it for that reason alone is either a hilarious bit of circular logic, or sheer spite.

Any private tracker whose admins lack the critical thinking skills to see why that is a stupid reason to ban something is probably not a community you want to be apart of.  However, this sentiment seems to be common and getting onto a good private tracker is not the easiest thing to do, so there might not be much you can do about it. Fortunately you can just use the peer-id spoof feature to get around most private tracker bans if you really want to use Tixati.
by HandyMan on 2013/12/09 04:01:03 AM    
Yes good idea,
I really enjoyed using Tixati, but too many trackers are banning it. So I had to go back in time and usefullness, now I have to use utorrent :-(
by HandyMan on 2013/12/10 02:30:25 AM    

The issue is that once a client is 'banned' on a tracker for whatever reason, it is almost impossible to have it un-'banned' on that tracker.

As more tracker are dropping Tixati, there will less users and Tixati will loose momentum.
by Guest on 2013/12/10 04:22:44 AM    
I am simply using Deluge at the moment.  I just think that having a second release designed around common complaints would get Tixati's foot in the door without disturbing people that use Tixati as it is now.  And if it doesn't then at the very least it would expose the lies and hypocrisy of those sites. I would prefer to use Tixati but not to the point where I would risk getting banned for spoofing.
by zertap on 2013/12/26 06:15:16 PM    
I agree that there should be a version that removes these features.
What I would suggest is providing a separate build without these features that trackers could then whitelist. That would be trivial, no? (and would make many people happy)

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