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Intermittant speed bumps in download and upload

by Guest on 2017/03/03 04:37:38 AM    
Every 40 seconds or so, +/- ~15 seconds, the speed for both download and upload dip down then bump up, before going back to the limited speed. Anyone know why this happens? I've tried reducing the number of connections, and I've tried lowering the limit; neither helped.
Not very bad, but annoying.
by Guest on 2017/03/03 09:25:09 PM    
This could be caused by a myriad of factors, from your network card to a software issue, from router stuff to ISP traffic shaping or the like. Difficult to tell without more data. Please note that it could even simply be your ISP speed cap in action (if you're not throttling Tixati in any way, and your maximum speed is being used, which could be especially noticeable in DSL type connections, but can also happen with others). If you're on a non-cabled connection (wifi), that would also explain it. I'll also be assuming that the behaviour you describe happens at all times, not just with one particular torrent (right ?).

Some basic things I'd start with, for testing purposes:

- If you're using any other network or Internet-related applications, disable them temporarily to see if the speed spike in Tixati comes from them;
- If Tixati is using any throttling options, disable them;
- If Tixati is NOT using any throttling options, try setting your max speeds to a little below your ISP contracted speeds;
- Disable your real-time antivirus temporarily, and see if it goes away;
- Try changing your Tixati port (remember to forward the new port in your router if applicable);
- Try a different bittorrent client to see if the same thing happens;
- If you have more than one network card/jack, try the other; and if you can try a different network cable easily, do it;

That should cover most of possible scenarios. If you keep having trouble, please let us know what you've tried and what kind of connection and equipment you're using. Cheers.
by Guest on 2017/03/06 07:08:41 PM    
I have noticed that also.  this my help.  i simply release more downloads until the total active peer count is about 17-20. the line then smooths (maxes) out. i am kubuntu on an hp laptop over several versions of Tuxati

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