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Save/export active torrent files ?

by ZippyDSMlee on 2017/03/01 09:43:11 PM    
Is there a way to save active torrent torrent files to folder then move/save finished torrent, torrent file to a different folder.
by Guest on 2017/03/02 10:25:14 PM    
You can change the folder location of your existing torrents by right-clicking on them and selecting "Local Files -> Location -> Move..." .

You can also highlight the desired torrent in the transfers view, then click the "Options" tab below, then the "Move..." button.

If you want to save a .torrent from an existing transfer, you can right-click on it and select "Share -> Save .torrent" .

You can find the relevant options on how Tixati automatically handles your .torrent and data files in "Settings -> Transfers -> Locations", "Settings -> Transfers -> Files", and "Settings -> Transfers -> Meta-Info".

Hope this helps.

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