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Do I change the LOCAL or REMOTE Port?

by estubbs on 2013/12/02 06:52:40 AM    
First I'm sorry for asking this as I'm sure it's been asked many times before. But I don't see a search option for the forum.
I'm new to this, and I haven't even downloaded any torrents yet. But I was going through the "optimizing" section. It shows how to look up the TCP & UDP Port numbers that Tixati is using, and then how to go into your firewall protection and add that specific port or put in that port number.
But I'm seeing two Port sections, one for LOCAL & REMOTE. Before I put in the Port number I got from Tixati Settings, it had "Any" listed. I went ahead and changed both the LOCAL ports for TCP & UDP. But should I change the REMOTE ports as well?
OR...if my firewall was already set up to allow the Tixati TCP & UDP from "any" ports, should I just have left it at that? I can change the Local ones back if thats the case.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help with this :-)
by Guest on 2013/12/03 06:02:49 PM    
It's a trade-off between security and connectability.

If you're too specific in what ports you allow your torrent client to communicate through your firewall, you'll be maximizing security, BUT you may end up limiting how many other people you can connect to, or even crippling the ability to download and upload, unless you're VERY sure about what you're doing.

Generally, I would suggest leaving it at "any", which will ensure your firewall lets your torrent client do its thing with minimum hassle (in the end, if you can trust your torrent client to operate with a port, it should be the same with any other ports, really - beyond that, any half-decent firewall will automatically block known troublesome ports regardless of the "any" setting, which is what matters).
by estubbs on 2013/12/06 01:49:15 AM    
Ok, that makes sense, thank you so much! :-)

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