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Tixati  temporary files location

by tazmo8448 on 2013/11/28 07:40:25 PM    
I recently downloaded a torrent using Tixati and when asked where to download the file to I chose a hard drive (S:\) that I use to put games on. First off I have Win7x64 Hm Prem OS. I have my OS on my C:\ drive (SSD w/120GB) and have added two 1 TB HDD's to store games and data (H:\ & S:\) I only use my C:\ for the OS and for storing config. and other miscellaneous files that are created by the programs themselves. When I downloaded a 6 GB torrent and stored it in S:\ drive I noticed that my C:\ drive was smaller by 6 GB's even though I did not assign that drive. At the time before the download C:\ was showing 80 GB's; after the download it was showing 74 GB's even though the short cut for the game was showing it in my S:\ drive. Could that 6 GB be in a temporary folder? Is this normal? How do I locate it if indeed it was created?
by Bugmagnet on 2013/11/29 03:19:49 AM    
All I can think of is Tixati Settings -> Transfers -> Local Files

See if any of the 3 locations designated are using drive C:\
by Guest on 2013/12/16 11:33:42 AM    
What I am trying to find is the file in my C:\ drive. It isn't in the normal places. I'm thinking it could be stored in Windows some where. It is not in Users or Program Data, I uninstalled Tixati so it is not in their files but it is definitely in there some where. I have un 'hid' my folders to no avail, also I have Win7x64 OS. Where would Tixati store files in a default situation?
by tazmo8448 on 2013/12/16 12:21:43 PM    
Does any one there know where Tixati may store temp files? In default. I used it twice and it put 6 gb on C:\ and I had it set to download in S:\
by tazmo8448 on 2013/12/16 12:38:18 PM    
I am going to keep hammering away til I find where in the world Tixati stores old tasks and or temp files. Even when you direct it to another hard drive it still puts temps in the OS drive.....grrrr.
by Guest on 2013/12/18 06:26:26 PM    

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