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Can someone explain channels?

by Guest on 2013/08/03 07:11:52 PM    
I have been in 5 channels and have not received a response, and I haven't seen anyone chatting either. And when I try to send people messages it says message not acknowledged. Is something wrong with my connection or does channels not work that way where it's like IRC where you can chat to other people.
by EvilLivesHere on 2013/08/04 05:33:25 PM    
Well, to check if your DHT is working correctly, go to the DHT tab and see what it says next to "Status".  If all is working OK, you will see the word "Running" in green.  Otherwise, post what you have here and I'll try to walk you through it.  
As for the channels, Truthfully, there are many channels where almost no one ever talks.  I try to respond to everyone I see in any of the channels I am in, but am not always at the computer.  Try joining one of the more active channels, such as "Alien Hideout" or "Electric".  Also, what is your username?  I can try to message you when I see you pop in a channel and we can test out your connection.  
As for the Message not Acknowledged error, that usually happens when the person you are trying to Private Message (PM) is no longer online.  On the right side, if their name is in bright green, they are online (or at least they were in the last 5 minutes or so).  If they are kinda grayed out, then they are offline, but were in the channel before.  Maybe you simply tried to PM some people who were offline by mistake?
by Bugmagnet on 2013/08/05 06:48:03 AM    
Guest, from an OLD broadcast message: "the problem you are experiencing is not the fault of your TV set", or your computer or tixati settings in this case.

Channels work fine. People, not so much.

That of course depends on what you expect. There are reasons to join a channel other than chatting and whatever those are, it seems to be the most dominant condition. People no longer chat like they did on IRC or winMX chatrooms. There are occasional exceptions, but Park & Share seems to be the pattern now.

When most people are busy IRL they don't check in on chit-chat in the channels. If you ask a question or make a comment, sometimes a reply might come a day or 2 later...that is if you decide to park and wait.
by Guest on 2014/05/02 04:59:21 PM    
I created a channel "no worries"  in "home" it says status-listening/ "DHT" it says status-unconfirmed port . any ideas but it switches back and forth like it found the port but then no.can you help
by Bugmagnet on 2014/05/04 05:09:13 AM    
As to that "DHT" status-unconfirmed port...My experience is that happens when the firewall in the router doesn't have a rule to open the relevant port to pass that traffic.

When I first tried to make a channel, I found connecting from a second computer very inconsistent. Sometimes it was 8-10 hours before making a connection. I still don't know why but was likely some of my computer and/or firewall settings.

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