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Torrent Queueing

by acrox999 on 2013/11/18 08:47:26 AM    
Hello, I used to use Tixati a long time ago when it was still new, but I dropped it because there's no queueing feature or any of that sort (and it was quite heavy, too). This feature is essential to me because I prefer to download one-by-one, rather than downloading all of them in one go.

Although I can just add the torrent that I want to download next when the torrent that I've been downloading is completed, it 's a nuisance to do it every time, especially when I usually leave my client in the background and only view it once in a while.

I decided to give Tixati ago again yesterday and I'm taking a liking to this client. I'll keep Tixati for use within public trackers. Keep up the great work.

P.s. It'd be great if we could have an option to have a minimal interface. The current interface is sluggish and heavy.

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