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Temporary error: access is denied - Error saving piece

by lBaltazar on 2013/08/03 06:13:47 PM    
Temporary error: access is denied - Error saving piece - x64 Tixati 1.96

sorry, I hope You understand my not really good English.

You allready download(ed) something with Tixati.
Then try seeding downloaded files in another client (for example in Bittorent/uTorrent because You time to time just interesting what is new in "concurrent products"). You don't see any interesting, uninstalling other client.
Of course, after that You give back allready downloaded files to Tixati, made Force check. Tixati find some files (1 or 2 from 30) with 2% of missing pieces.
No problemo, start downloading missing parts - and, voila, surprise, You got from Tixati indication about missing parts in OTHER and allready checked file (important - one file, NOT files).
When You try to Force check and download "newly explored" missing pieces You got "Temporary error: access is denied" near file and "Error saving piece" in Pieces tab.
Okay, You delete the file with problem, made Force check AND surprise! again got from Tixati message about missing parts in OTHER and allready checked file...

As result - You redownload about 7-10 files from 30. It is very funny when this mean about 30 Gigs.

This behaviour I noticed about from version 1.92, windows 7, 8 or 8.1 (doesn't matter x32/64 the client or OS). Very annoying.
by Guest on 2013/12/22 03:17:47 AM    
I have confirmed the issue.
Tixati 1.96 shows 92-98% for a file downloaded by a different torrent client (utorrent) and finishes downloading it, then in all cases it shows the "Temporary error: Access is Denied" error for the file and STOPS downloading all other files of that torrent.
by nnq2603 on 2013/12/22 08:15:46 AM    
No problemo, start downloading missing parts - and, voila, surprise, You got from Tixati indication about missing parts in OTHER and allready checked file (important - one file, NOT files).
When You try to Force check and download "newly explored" missing pieces You got "Temporary error: access is denied" near file and "Error saving piece" in Pieces tab.
Okay, You delete the file with problem, made Force check AND surprise! again got from Tixati message about missing parts in OTHER and allready checked file...

About access denied and can't save piece error, I'm not sure what cause. But about You delete the file with problem and make force-recheck and find out that other files become imcomplete. IMO, that because if your given torrent content contains many files, and they shared some mutual pieces between each others, then deleted one of files ---> make other ones become imcompleted because it lost the shared/mutual pieces (that you deleted with previous files). Because every pieces not always separate for each files in torrent content, but usually shared between them. Such as files A got a part of a piece, and file B got another part, remove one of them make another imcompleted. Example file A 155MB, file B 45MB, and piece size is 4MB, then you has to got mutual pieces between them.

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