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Automated "Clean Channel User List" problematic, broken?

by Bugmagnet on 2017/01/30 10:52:11 PM    
I have tried using this feature for a while. But it doesn't seem to even work. Worse, it can causes a HUGE increase in CPUsage.

I it appears to be intended to clear offline users off the channel user list, allowing for distinguishing between users who advertise/share lists of links and those who do not. The option allows for setting intervals from 1 minute to 300 days.

I first noticed that it does not seem to do what it is apparently supposed to do. Yes, at the preset interval it removes the offline users but in seconds their ghosts return to the user list. I haven't found any way that effectively removes them.

The second issue seems to be that offline sharing users are removed even when only non-sharing users is selected for removal.

This causes a third and perhaps the most significant problem...resyncing shared links.

Recently a channel opened that uses offline clients to create a huge, HUGE list of links. At present this channel has over 3 million torrent links listed. I noticed that when I set my channel sweeper to clear NON-sharing users after 15 minutes, the number of shared links was constantly being recalculated, rising to about 60,000 then dropping back to 20,000 then rising back again, only to fall back in a constant loop.

I also notices that Tixati was using about 25% of my total available CPU resources from a 3 Ghz Quad processor. I thought that this might have been do to recent changes in the v2.52 alpha so didn't make the connection as to cause.

After I turned off the channel sweep in all channels, my CPUsage dropped to 13%, half of what it was when the (defective) channel sweep was active.

Conclusion: Don't use the "Clean Channel User List" function. It doesn't work and can double the CPU load on your system.
by Guest on 2017/02/01 01:19:58 AM    
This is INCLUDING the 2.52 alpha with turned ON the offline users function??
AFAIK the way someone replied in chat that was just changed, can you verify with the 2.51 stable? and maybe list your OS. I am on Winx64.
I notice heavier usage with clear channel ON also but unsure if it will drop turned off, will reply below.
by Bugmagnet on 2017/02/05 09:52:05 AM    
I tested initially with v2.52 a2 on win7 pro x64  8GB ram, Quad 3 Ghz processor

re-testing with v2.51
with Clean Channel User List off:  <13% CPUsage
with Clean Channel User List on, for non-sharing users only:  >24% CPUsage
(this was for 1 channel with a large number of Shared links)

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