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Need a sortable column for number of seeds on [Transfers]

by Bugmagnet on 2013/11/15 08:13:02 PM    
The  column gives status as to downloading, seeding, offline etc. along with count of seeds and peers, though the latter is not relevant to sorting.

I like the option of being able to sort by number of seeds and peers and maybe a ratio of same.

In the column selection, i saw several column display options including source (seed?), client (peer?), location and flag. I enabled these 4 but they are not populated so are useless as is.

I don't know if these columns ever worked, or if they are simply a work in progress with activation coming later.

Either way, I look forward to being able to sort my transfers, primarily by number of seeds. I want to seed as many torrents as my system will handle, giving preference to the widows and orphans. Since we are limited in the total number of torrents that tixati can handle, I'd prefer to use my capacity to seed mostly those with fewer than 4 seeds rather than being part of a swarm of 100 seeds for more popular files. I can manually examine the status column and control this but having a sortable seed column would make this process much less tedious.

thank you dev team
by Pete on 2013/11/15 11:31:30 PM    
Client and Source columns are for peers in Tree View, like the description says: (Peers in Tree). Client is a peer's program, and Source - from where the peer's address was obtained (the same columns are in Peers tab). These columns are populated only when using the Tree View and when expanding a torrent to see peers list. Enable Tree View, you'll instantly know what I mean. I have to mention that I really like Tree View, it's one of the main reasons why I use Tixati.

I agree that separate columns for number of peers and seeds would be useful.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/11/19 11:21:17 AM    
ok, i was confused about client and source - thanks for the headsup on that.

In uTorrent it was columns for peers and seeds that was useful.  I wouldn't want to hold up the next release for this but would hope it would be offered soon after that.

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