by Guest on 2017/01/21 11:58:54 AM
LAST-UPDATED: `20170121@204240
STATEMENT: `"Newly posted, awaiting for proper responses"`
I use Tixati for it's unmatched power-management capabilities for Windows and for that reason I have Auto-Shutdown persistently enabled using the default 20-mins.
With that said, there are times where I need to conveniently use Tixati's built-in scheduler to begin a download when nobody in the household is using the internet to avoid the conflict of bandwidth-usage
The dilemma begins when you're attempting to use it's scheduler by simply leaving Tixati opened so that way the scheduler can happen. The problem is when having Auto-Shutdown enabled, Tixati would then be unable to stay open to make use of the scheduled-task.
So my suggestion is to have Tixati recognize when to obey Auto-Shutdown procedures. So, for this i've come up with the idea to only have Auto-Shutdown work for when there are files seeding. Here is a brief overview of Tixati's status's (of which includes):
- Torrents downloading
- Torrents seeding
- Stopped torrents
* Auto-Shutdown has no option for when to be active
+ I find that if you have Tixati open w/ NO activity, then Auto-Shutdown should be disabled
- auto-shutdown should only work for moments of seeding and NOT for when torrents are stopped or when there even isn't any torrents loaded
* none-so-far
## TAG
* Power-Management | Auto-Shutdown (status) | disable when there are no loaded torrents and/or torrents are stopped