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[Feature] Persistently Ignore Peer by IP

by MediaX on 2017/01/14 08:57:01 PM    
I noticed that my own IP is listed as a peer, and Tixati always try to connect to that (i.e. myself), resulting in “Timed out connecting”. That's why I try to ignore that peer, which works, until I restart Tixati. It seems that the ignored peer IP is not persistent across sessions.

Could you consider making this persistent?
Thank you.
by Pete on 2017/01/15 06:26:01 PM    
I think there's no point in blocking your own IP address, but you can use the IP Filter for that.
by Guest on 2017/01/17 01:03:08 AM    
If it were finalized or a persistent option to "self connect" blocking that might be helpful.
by Sailor24 on 2017/01/27 02:41:39 AM    
There is a reason not to block your own address. If Tixati reports back "self  connected" that is an indication your port is listening and hearing which is a significant part of finding peers. If you see "time out" or other error message it likely means that something is wrong with your listening and you should be cleaning up your port forward or other listening issues.

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