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Why do my upload speeds go down when I download files?

by laokoon on 2017/01/14 01:37:53 PM    

i'm seeding about 20 torrents with about 400k-600k upload speed.
The moment i add another torrent for downloading the upload speed drops:

After download is finnished the upload speed goes up again.

My settings:

My cable speed is Download: 212 Mbit/s and Upload: 12.7 Mbit/s

Any suggestions?
by Guest on 2017/01/15 12:29:34 AM    
Your scenario looks crazy, but I don't think it is Tixati. I am on a 50/50 Mbit fiber connection and avg. 20 Mbit upload. I can add a torrent and my upload actually goes up, guess due to sharing and protocol overhead.

It could be your ISP, or a DSL/cable connection which I have seen to slow down upload when downloading. There are two things you can try:

1. keep upload like you always do, and start a couple big downloads in a browser and watch if tixati suffers. If it does, well downloading slowing down upload is not a Tixati issue.
2. Try cFosSpeed for traffic shaping, I used it back when I had DSL/cable and it mad a big difference for P2P. Not using it anymore since fiber seems to have no issues ever...
by Guest on 2017/01/17 01:14:25 AM

You likely have bus speed bottleneck.

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