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Feature Request/Bug - Category based shell commands

by Guest on 2016/12/15 05:36:13 AM    
I download two types of videos, TV Shows and Movies. Both share the same extensions, obviously. What I'm wanting to do is if category TV Shows downloads then run filebot on the directory it downloaded to and then copy the resulting rename to a different folder for my Plex server to host it. Then I want to run the same commands but different folders for the Movie category. Is there a way to do this that I'm missing? This is all I have so far:
.avi,.mp4,.mkv:filebot -rename "E:\TV Shows Unrenamed\$name$ext" --db TheTVDB --format "{n}/{'Season '+s}/{n} - {s00e00} - {t}" --output "E:\TVShows" --conflict skip -non-strict
.avi,.mp4,.mkv:filebot -rename "F:\Movies Unrenamed\$name$ext" --db TheMovieDB --format "{n.substring(0,1)}/{n.colon(' - ')} ({y}){subt}" --output "F:\Movies" --conflict skip -non-strict

Also, it seems that since 2.49 the "$ext" isn't working anymore. it used to output "This_is_a_tv_show.mkv" but now it outputs "This_is_a_tv_showext". It removes the $ but doesn't give the period or the actual extension.
by Guest on 2016/12/15 09:51:53 PM    
I can confirm the command for shell command outputs without the extension. Current help page
Don't know whether that's expected from your post I guess not. Thanks for pointing out a feature I never saw before :D
2.49 Win x64

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