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Incomplete downloads

by Herkules97 on 2016/12/11 08:33:08 PM    
I searched to find the same topic, but they were about downloads stuck at 99% which I also have but they disappear after a while.
My issue is what I can only think happened because I had too many torrents active.. I don't know.
Every torrent I have ever had for the last months (July and forward, maybe even further back) have never completed.
Tixati says 100% but it can turn out to be so bad as having only 128kb completed in a 10gb file..
So tixati says 10gb is downloaded  and it took its hours to download it but once it's done, the file is only 128kb.
It's like it did download 10gb but then just deleted all of it and just downloaded 128kb before it says complete
I thought I would have to look far to find something like that, but nope.

Most files are not in kb but if they're 40gb, they might have 30gb finished but miss 10gb.
Above shows what also can be.
I now have 5 downloads on at a time, so I'll see if that was the issue. Please tell me if having 500 downloads at a time might causing downloads to not finish.
I don't want to have to re-check torrents when they're finished with either tixati or other programs that can check.
A check-after-completion would be extremly helpful.. That way even if I check, re-download and it doesn't finish it'll recheck once again and over and over until the download actually completes.I check, re-download and it doesn't finish it'll recheck once again and over and over until the download actually completes.
by Guest on 2016/12/11 09:42:30 PM    
im not sure whats going on for you but, having a lot of torrents/downloads will not stop downloads from completing. i have thousands of torrents in tixati and my torrents all finish as long as there are seeds.

are any peers in those torrents being ignored? could it be that you are getting bad pieces that have to be re-downloaded?

maybe send those torrents to the devs. support at tixati dot com
by Guest on 2016/12/12 03:40:38 AM    
It's not this or that torrent, it's most of them, maybe 10% finish.
I don't think it was like this pre-2016 so some setting must've changed, maybe an update.
I have no clue what causes it. If there is a default settings I can try that, will look.
by Guest on 2016/12/12 04:45:14 AM    
Could you send your settings? Would love to copy someone's settings (all tabs) so I can see if there is something hidden I might have put on.
Can't find any default settings page or any reset settings to see if that can work.
by Guest on 2016/12/14 03:18:40 AM    
OK so two things.
Having ____ total size and LESS SIZE ON DISK is due to sparse files (not an issue).
If your torrents are supposed to be 100% but THEN suffer this, you have a hardware issue.
Is this internal/external/networked drive? Also what filesystem is it. What OS are you using.
And have you checked your hardware for SMART errors??

P.S. Had to add this. Talking about rechecking "just because" is stupid. This is unnecessary BECAUSE bittorrent ensures byte perfect copy.
Where this instance does not happen as said above is for seeders sending bad data (error: ignored bad data), or physical corruption.
EACH PIECE that is finished is dumped to disk 100% perfect. Therefore it can't go "everything 1-99% was great then I only had 1/8 MiB (1 piece)"... Unless you're not using Tixati. Tixati ensures for each piece the data is good when dumped to disk.
by Guest on 2016/12/18 11:58:12 PM    
I've been noticing that it runs slower now than a few months ago, it's an external NTFS drive(HDD) and I'm running Windows 10 Anniversary.
I read about SMART maybe 2 years ago, can't really remember such things.
I checked for errors and it's all on OK/Good.
Most things are at 100% except 2 which are on 97%.
I've been downloading to this drive for some time, maybe changing to another one will help?
If so, would a WD Red Pro WD6002FFWX 128MB 6TB be a good change? Something more expensive for the downloading part, while the drives that fail the downloading part will be for storage

Also to note: Qbittorrent finish every file, sadly it doesn't download as fast with OS Cache enabled but without it everything fails with I/O errors. I realise now that maybe QB said that because the drive wasn't functioning properly. With OS Cache enabled it worked perfectly. Maybe you know something about that, I sadly have no idea what it all means. That the drive has too little memory?
by Guest on 2016/12/21 04:02:01 AM    
I would definitely look up your drive mfg and "diagnostic" software suite.

It's not the SIZE of the drive per-se, it COULD be the usage on the drive. Sort of like the claims you hear people say "dont torrent on SSD" or "SSD don't need to be defragmented"...
It is true while downloading the benefit of the .torrent protocol means you don't have to have 100% to view/play all of it. BUT the theory of drive "degradation" due to overuse and intense seeking due to the data ALL OVER your drive may be at fault.
Continual downloading to the first 50 gig, then moving to the next 200 gig for partitions would eventually block out all the 50 gig as "bad" once errors abound. AGAIN it may also be memory or RAM related. search for your computer and see if there are RAM issues reported.

If you get a new drive it would help the problems for downloading NOW but may not help LATER. Do you understand? If you only use the new drive for FINAL 100% COMPLETED, then you can presume it will stay intact once THERE but getting it there appears to be the problem.

I would do more research on your OS cache problem. The only cache i know of is pagefile.sys in Win64, and that has been an issue for silent en-biggening since win7. I would think qbittorrent does "direct" API calls to allocate your data. IE thus it avoids double abstraction of calls for "create data block - wait for free - fill with data"... BUT I don't know for sure.
Definitely if you have seen errors with OTHER clients type the EXACT error, they are numbered for a reason for indexing and fast diagnosis when others who know have solved them (BSOD errors on Windows for 30 years).

Please reply below with more questions or updated information. Unfortunately there will be no direct team intervention right now. They are all on well deserved vacation. So if you want to try near-realtime, check out the Tixati User Group channel in Tixati :D
by Guest on 2016/12/21 04:37:05 AM    
I think I know why the torrents don't finish.. the harddrive is very loud and I suspect that it's actually defective. I will have to update in a month or so to really see if files are not completed.
Don't know why I didn't realise this sooner.. I think I will either use one drive that is not defective or switch harddrive every time a new one is filled.
Will have to see after a while of torrenting on new drive.
by Guest on 2016/12/22 12:02:19 AM    
On a NON SSD you should be defragmenting your download drive regularly... OR after you do alot of moving from "downloading" partition to "complete" partition.
I have separate folders on my main drive, then my 100% external. Hopefully you don't lose anything. Look into "PAR files" if you want to have a fully contained error-proof "archive" of content.

If you have other questions please post below.
by Guest on 2017/02/01 11:05:42 PM    
The reason they were incomplete was solely because they were in the external case, I think the adapter had run out, I've heard that they are pretty cheap ones. I now use a bigger harddrive in SATA and it's working fine. There doesn't seem to be a point in checking.

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