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File system error 71 - what & why is that?

by justanotherjoe on 2016/12/11 03:15:37 AM    
Hello there, I have no idea what's going on. Googling the issue is no good either. Have you seen this before?

It's an AFP mounted volume using mount_afp, and bash/nautilus/vlc have no issues whatsoever reading files, or creating files in that same path. I have also "moved" the already downloaded folder to another location but as you can see, the second check is on the old path. Why?

By the way, the error is received *REGARDLESS* of whether the file exists or not. The file referenced in the log does not exist.

52:46.871> logging started @ 12/10/2016 08:57:31 PM
52:52.353> FileSystem::IsFile(/mnt/afp/Download_Dump/incoming/SomeFile/SomeFile.mkv) r=1   us = 2147
52:52.355> FileSystem::IsDirectory(/mnt/afp/Download_Dump/incoming/SomeFile) r=1   us = 6
52:54.047> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo /home/owner/Documents  b=1 len=0 LM=0 LA=0 CT=0 FID=0 PID=0  us = 0
52:54.049> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo CB 0 1 1 4096 1481 1482 14813 2039_2710 2549   us = 0
52:54.050> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo /home/owner/.tixati/incomplete-pieces  b=1 len=0 LM=0 LA=0 CT=0 FID=0 PID=0  us = 0
52:54.050> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo CB 0 1 1 4096 1481 1482 14813 2039_2710 2549  us = 1
52:55.297> AsyncFile::Setup(/home/owner/.tixati/incomplete-pieces/dnd_file_crust_2224AABBCC.dat,r)  us = 35
52:55.300> AsyncFile::Setup  CB  fd=-1  e=2  us = 1
52:55.300> AsyncFile::Setup(/home/owner/.tixati/incomplete-pieces/dnd_file_crust_2224AABBCC.dat,r)  us = 40
52:55.300> AsyncFile::Setup  CB  fd=-1  e=2  us = 0
52:55.301> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo /mnt/hgfs/Download_Dump/incoming/SomeFile/Screenshots/incomplete.SomeFile.Screenshot (7).png  b=1 len=1 LM=1 LA=0 CT=0 FID=1 PID=1  us = 0
52:55.304> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo CB e=71  us = 0
52:56.042> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo /mnt/hgfs/Download_Dump/incoming/SomeFile  b=1 len=0 LM=0 LA=0 CT=0 FID=0 PID=0  us = 1
52:56.046> AsyncFileSys::GetFileInfo CB e=71  us = 1
53:03.048> AsyncFile::Setup(/home/owner/.tixati/settings2.dat.temp,wct)  us = 72
53:03.053> AsyncFile::Setup  CB  fd=16  e=0  us = 0
53:03.054> AsyncFile::Write(strData.size=3422)  obj=0xc932fd0 fd=0x10  us = 0
53:03.054> AsyncFile::Write CB  obj=0xc932fd0 fd=0x10 e=0  us = 0
53:03.054> AsyncFile::Write(strData.size=20)  obj=0xc932fd0 fd=0x10  us = 0
53:03.055> AsyncFile::Write CB  obj=0xc932fd0 fd=0x10 e=0  us = 0
53:03.055> AsyncFile::Close()  obj=0xc932fd0 fd=0x10  us = 0
53:03.059> AsyncFileSys::Move /home/owner/.tixati/settings2.dat.temp  to  /home/owner/.tixati/settings2.dat  us = 1
53:03.060> AsyncFile::Close()  obj=0xc932fd0 fd=0x-1  us = 0
53:03.060> AsyncFileSys::Move CB OK  us = 1


Update: Tixati is naughty, right around Christmas too. It won't listen to the move command via right click, you have to go into options of the torrent, then click the move button (path displayed is still the old one), and finally force re-check. Odd stuff.
by Guest on 2016/12/21 11:59:38 PM    
moving works fine for me on both win 10 and linux.

are you fast or slow moving?
by Guest on 2016/12/22 12:04:07 AM    
That error is:

#define EPROTO      71  /* Protocol error */

So it's probably a failure in the connection to your network file system.

Try looking at your system logs in /var/log
by justanotherjoe on 2017/01/01 07:01:47 PM    
Yeah I had to give up afp and smb mounted shares as the download point for Tixati. afp is broken by itself on ubuntu, so no fault of Tixati, but smb misbehaves too.

I ended up switching to an sshfs mount, which is going great so far.

Thanks guys!

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